Engineered Solutions.

Titan provides automated assembly and test systems enabling manufacturers to produce proven, quality products. Its comprehensive portfolio consists of turbine component testing, aircraft actuators and struts, hydraulic solutions, R&D test rigs, and beyond.

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Test rigs that stand the test of time

Reliable systems to support your aerospace and defense missions​

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Founded in 1966, Titan has grown into an industry-leading designer and manufacturer of custom-engineered test stands. Our test stands, paired with our automated assembly systems, operate as integrated solutions ideal for applications that require precise gauging, measurement, and data acquisition.

Please help yourself and download our certification.

We focus on safety and reliability above all and quality beyond limits. As part of this effort, we are proud to be ISO 9001:2015 certified.
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Please help yourself and download our certification.
We focus on safety and reliability above all and quality beyond limits. As part of this effort, we are proud to be ISO 9001:2015 certified.
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Titan provides the support you need before and after the purchase of your test stand or assembly equipment. We know that our customer’s success hinges on their ability to continually and consistently develop and manufacture high performance, high quality, reliable products and components that are not only cost-effective but safe and ergonomically sound. That’s why we offer services to help you succeed.

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Titan provides the process discipline, engineering experience and machine building expertise to make sure every custom project is delivered on time, to specification, and to the full satisfaction of our customers. Then, once the project is complete, we offer after-sales support often provided by the team that designed, built, and programmed your systems. Your service experience with Titan will be unmatched.

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From agricultural equipment to Defense, Titan is prepared for anything. On the leading edge of lean manufacturing, assembly automation, process validation, and validation testing, we can help you stay competitive no matter what industry you’re in.

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